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Earthaction's mission is to inform and inspire people everywhere to turn their concern, passion and outrage into meaningful action for a more just, peaceful and sustainable world.

Aqua for All
Aqua for All

Greenpeace International
Greenpeace is the world's most effective environmental activist group dedicated to the issues of climate change, saving our ancient forests, stopping pollution, ending the nuclear threat, abolishing nuclear weapons, stopping genetic engineering, saving our oceans, and advocating sustainable trade.

Greenpeace Nederland
Greenpeace is een internationale, onafhankelijke milieu organisatie die mondiale milieuproblemen aan de kaak stelt. het doel van greenpeace is een duurzaam evenwicht tussen mens en milieu.

Wereld Natuur Fonds Nederland
Wereld natuur fonds wnf bouwt aan een wereld waarin de mens leeft in harmonie met de natuur. homepage wereld natuur fonds wnf. actualiteit. word donateur.

Waste works towards sustainable improvement of the urban poor's living conditions and the urban environment in general. our multi-year, multi-country programmes and projects have a focus on bottom-up development in relation to recycling, solid waste management, ecological sanitation and knowledge sharing. waste, located in the netherlands, teams up with organisations in africa, asia, latin america and eastern europe that share its goals and approaches.

WWF Global Network
Because we only have the one planet earth... wwf believes that, together, we must save endangered species, conserve natural environments and live sustainable lives.

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